

do you get excited when you see something that remind you of yesteryears? i took a trip down memory lane when i went by this store called birds and co. by books actually. almost everything there took me to a place and/or person or event that happened a while ago. and they all made me smile. one day, decades later, someone will walk into a store like this and see a macbook, an iphone and say hey, my grandma used to use one just like that.


  1. i love the setup of this place. total eye candy.

    also, i must say i freaking LOVE your blog title and the idea behind it.

  2. i agree with alice, total eye candy. and i get so nostalgic for the authenticity of my own past. weird to think of anyone picking up an ipod or a macbook and saying we used to use these things... but it's so true.

    you have such a way with the camera!!

  3. I love that feeling! I experienced it the other day when I went into a toy shop and they had bins of polished rocks. It reminded me of when I had a rock tumbler as a kid and I got so excited to see my dull stones turn into shiny treasures.

    Beautiful shots here. I love all the small details you captured.

  4. Anonymous23.2.11

    lol, you are right, iphones might make you feel nostalgic one day. the scary thing is that it happens already. I do remember early cell phones, how huge they were, and how cool to have. my niece, how is 16, saw one the other day in a vintage store and was totally amazed. she didn't even want to belive that that was a cell phone and that people would (want to) use something like this. made me feel sooooooo old ;)

    ps: beautiful photos!

  5. I love how good you are with details^^ It was funny because the other day I was just having this chat with my friend, and we were saying one day we will be like, "Remember Jay Chou? He was so big then" and our future kids or grandkids going, "Who the hell is Jay Chou?". Already I'm having problems catching up with my teenage cousins. Love the photos as usual!

  6. Thanks Alice! Hi Kitchu, yeah, i know what you mean. Megan, that's a lovely story, I've never had that before but I can think how excited I would be! Petra, lol yeah the first model of the mobile phone could have been used as a weapon! Shirley, I'm now trying to picture an old jay chou lol. Can't picture that somehow.

  7. What a fun store! :) Thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog recently! :)
